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Even though you will rarely be sick when you use a sick day,it is important to stimulate a genuine episode of illness.On Such a day,you would most likely wake up on the late side feeling terrible and sounding terrible.You would proceed to make the call as close as reasonably possible to starting time.A fake episode should tranpire no differently.If you feel one of those days coming on ,a moment of preperation the night before will be helpful.Even though you will be going right back to bed in the morning,set your alarm clock for a few minutes after starting time,say 8.45 a.m.Make a call immediately upon waking,thereby capturing the most disoriented,gravelly sounding you.(This can ce done from other people's homes or even other time zones if necessary.)

Most companies and government agencies have strange policy.Vacation days are yours for keeps.If you dont use them during the term of your employement,you're paid for them when you leave.Sick days,on the other hand,are fleeting.If you dont use them,they tend to disappear at the end of some preesablished period.In other words,your company is telling you to avoid vacations and get sick.The least you can do is oblige-except,of course,the part about avoiding vacations.

Japanese prank show -gone wild


This guy really cool!

pretty and make you headache!

  1. Computer games tester-Someone has to make sure they work.
  2. Professional Courier-Free travel ,usually no stress,depending ,of course,on the nature of what you're courieng.( Bald:organ to be transplanted:anything leaking)
  3. Musician,Especially Heavy Metal-Sleep all day,rock all night.
  4. Radiologist-Keeps bankers hours among usually workaholic physicians.
  5. Toll Collector-No hard sell involved.Not much selection,either.
  6. Major League Baseball Player-Average salary of $1 millionfor playing 'pastime'seven month of the year.Unless you're the pitcher,total time in motionper game is eight minutes.
  7. Tenured Professor-Lectures a few classes,leaves drudgery of grading and actual teaching to gradute students.Cant be fired,so no need to publish.
  8. Supreme Court Justice-Good pay;cant be fired.The ultimate sinecure.
  9. Expert Witness-Tired of actually applying the professional skills he developed,gives an "oponion" or quick assessment in court regarding what he would have done.Typical fee:$500/hour.
  10. Gigolo-Paid for something he would pretty much do anyway.
  11. Golf Pro-But what do you do on vacation?
  12. International Spy-one key strategic secret per year and you're done.Dont get caught,however.
  13. Trashy TV talk-show host-Pick one line and repeat ad nauseum.Example-"Don't you realize what your're doin to your family and to youself?'
  14. Paparazzo-One trip per month to Hyannis Port and You're golden.
  15. Wine Taster-If only they let you swallow.


See what they say about humor...

Men always say the most important thing in a woman is a senseof humor.You know what that means?He is looking for someone to laugh at his jokes'

-Shiela Wenz-

Women claims that what they look for in a man is sense of humor,but i dont believed.Who do you want removing your bra tom sellect or three stoges?

-Bruce smirof-

Painted Buses - More amazing videos are a click away

Crazy Japanese Port-O-Potty Prank - Click here for this week’s top video clips

This is craziest japanese prank.They make up with something newer and weider.

Did you ever bump your head or break a wrist while you wee clowning around with friends?

What did u notice? While you laughing,it is HARD to feel PAIN!

All kinds wonderful things happen when laugh....

  1. Your lung capasity expands,improving respiration and oxygen compsumtion.
  2. Yor immune system is activated so you can better fight infection.Yor body releases more of protective T cells that fight virus cancer cells.
  3. Endorphins-your body natural painkillers are realeased into ypur brain,decreasing stress.
  4. Laughter not only reduces physical pain,It reduces mental pain!

When we laugh,we naturally feel more hopeful and optimistic.

When we laugh,we say to ourselves-and to the world I REFUSE TO SUFFER!

Laughter help us to survive grief and disappoinment.

There is funny side to almost every situation.We just have a look for it .

What else help? ......when we stop trying to be perfect!

When we stop trying to be perfect,we can laugh at ourselves-So we can laugh much more often..

P/S :Life is not that serious,We should take humor seriously!

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