Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

  1. Computer games tester-Someone has to make sure they work.
  2. Professional Courier-Free travel ,usually no stress,depending ,of course,on the nature of what you're courieng.( Bald:organ to be transplanted:anything leaking)
  3. Musician,Especially Heavy Metal-Sleep all day,rock all night.
  4. Radiologist-Keeps bankers hours among usually workaholic physicians.
  5. Toll Collector-No hard sell involved.Not much selection,either.
  6. Major League Baseball Player-Average salary of $1 millionfor playing 'pastime'seven month of the year.Unless you're the pitcher,total time in motionper game is eight minutes.
  7. Tenured Professor-Lectures a few classes,leaves drudgery of grading and actual teaching to gradute students.Cant be fired,so no need to publish.
  8. Supreme Court Justice-Good pay;cant be fired.The ultimate sinecure.
  9. Expert Witness-Tired of actually applying the professional skills he developed,gives an "oponion" or quick assessment in court regarding what he would have done.Typical fee:$500/hour.
  10. Gigolo-Paid for something he would pretty much do anyway.
  11. Golf Pro-But what do you do on vacation?
  12. International Spy-one key strategic secret per year and you're done.Dont get caught,however.
  13. Trashy TV talk-show host-Pick one line and repeat ad nauseum.Example-"Don't you realize what your're doin to your family and to youself?'
  14. Paparazzo-One trip per month to Hyannis Port and You're golden.
  15. Wine Taster-If only they let you swallow.


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